The use of the OKC.650 repeater is free; however, it costs money to operate. If you are able to donate anything at all, it would be greatly appreciated. Currently, all funds go to the tower rent for the 462.650 repeater and the cost of this website. Your gift will go a long way in help the central Oklahoma area by supporting an alternate means communication. Your support makes all the difference. Please see below about ways to donate. A record of those who contribute is kept below in the green link. If you have a project planned out that you would like to have listed up her for us to donate to contact
To the left is a cash app QR code to pay dues or donate to the repeater. If you can’t scan your screen search cash app for $WarrenEOverton. This QR code will be changing, refer back to this page for updates. All information will be updated on the list of dues and donations as usual. Thank you to everyone for your patience and support to the club and the 19 repeater. If you are using PayPal search for the email